SuperSet is a training regimen  when two or more exercises are performed back to back without any rest in between. SuperSets are meant for fast muscle growth but you compromise on strength and power as you use lighter weights here.Using SuperSets you do more in less time which is what is required for building quality muscles.
Super sets are categorised in three different types:
1. PreExhaustion Super Set- Here you preexhaust your muscle by doing an isolation exercise and then immediately hit it with a compound exercise. For example you do db fly first and then immediately do a bench press. I am not a big fan of this type of superset.
2. PostExhaustion Super Set- This is the reverse of PreExhaustion. You do the compound first and then hit with the isolation. I prefer this over PreExhaustion as i am a big fan of compound exercises and i can use heavier weights for my compound exercises and reduce the weight for the isolation.
3. Antagonistic SuperSet- Here you workout the opposite body parts in a superset eg biceps curl and then triceps extension.
I go for antagonistic super set for my arms workout and post exhaustion super set for Chest workout. For legs and shoulders i go for my normal heavyweight training as i prefer strength and power for these body parts rather than big muscles.

Below is my super set workout regimen. Remember that  there should be no rest in between the exercies in a superset else you negate the effectiveness of your superset.
I combine compound exersices with 1 antagonistic superset exercise.
1.  Barbell Curl -  4 Sets of 8-10 reps with a max of 90 secs of rest in between sets.
2.  CloseGrip Bench Press- 4 sets of 8-10 with a max of 90 secs of rest in between sets.
3. SuperSet-
  Inclined DB Curl+Skull Crushers--4 sets with max of 1 minutes rest on between a super set.No rest between DB Curl and the Skull Crusher exercise.

1. Flat Bench Bench Press- 3 sets of  8-10 each
2. SuperSet
Flat Bench DB Press + Flat Bench DB Fly-  3 sets of 7-10 each
3. SuperSet 
Inclined Bench DB Press +Inclined Bench DB Fly - 3 sets of 7-10 each
4. PullOvers- 3 sets of 8-10 each

If you have not tried SuperSets till now then it give it a shot and i bet you won't be disappointed if you keep doing it for 4-6 weeks with proper nutrition.